1) Since when do you want to make your project with Richard Branson and Virgin?
Since 8 months. I decided myself in the summer 2006.
After making a real decision, i worked on my idea for developing it and personalizing around the Virgin Mark.
Before it, i worked on other projects with some friends. But i stopped it for working complety on it.
2) Why not contacting directly Virgin enterprises, or the Virgin enterprise which is in the market where your idea is? It could be more simple, no?
No, it would be simple for me. Why? Because, i don't know who are these persons.
Sure, if my idea is working i would work with them.
But like you see, i said "them", and if i didn't say any lastname of firstname, which mean that i don't know anything about "them" and i won't talk to them.
I could be really ok if i had the "ok go" from the boss (Richard Branson) and if my idea was protected, but before it, there is no way for giving any details...
I know that it gives more difficultys to me for meeting him, but it's like that: I accept the difficulty that i give to myself and it will take more time but it's a sure thing: I will meet him.
3) But, really, for truth, do you really think you will see him?
Yes! Definitly. If i have to go to Necker Island by swimming, for it, i WILL! :)
And i'm serious!
4) But, really, why do you want to meet ONLY him? Are you a sort of hysteric fan of Ricard Branson? Maybe a psychopath? Or in love with him?
He's a beautiful man but i'm not in love with him! :) Maybe if he was a woman i would! eh eh! lol!
Not a psychopat too! I just kill some animals and i eat some breaded childs or tartar of womans sometimes, but not all the time, so i think i'm a nice guy! lol!
No, more seriously, i gived all the reasons in the heading "2) Why i want to meet Richard Branson?" and "3) My project". You will understand why it is with him that i want to work with, and why it is with his mark Virgin that i want to work with.
5) Why there isn't a picture on your blog?
I like privacy, but it's not for this reason that i didn't put my picture.
I try a lot of things for meeting him. Really, a lot of things, and i don't want to beeing reconize easilly.
Why? I will explain you and i'm sure you will understand.
One day, i went to a show (conference) for meeting a person.
There was a bodyguard at the entry.
I really needed to enter in. So, i said that i was with a person which was inside it.
He asked to me who, and i gived a name (i knew names of people who were already in before going to the conference).
He saw the name, and like i was good and seems to be honest ( :p ) , he asked to me my ID Card for creating an entry to me.
It was a special show, so they had to take a picture for making the entry card.
Everything was ok, i went in.
Unfortunately, one month after i went to an other showroom... and there was the same bodyguard.
He recognized me.
And there was a thing i didn't know before coming to this second show (where i wasn't invited too).
After i leaved the first show, they checked the list of the people who went in the show at the last minut (for a reason that i don't know) and they verified the recommendations that these people gived for entering in it.
My recommendation was wrong (like i lied for entering) so they kept my picture in the case that i would come again.
So, in this second show, the bodyguard recognized me and he really took the time to verify my "recommendation" for this second show, before i enter.
I let imagine what it happens after. Fired, and they keeped my picture.
Since this event (which happens few years ago, when i didn't have experience for it, and not enough beard, lol. :) ) i don't give my picture, because i don't want to give more chances to people who can block me the road, to block it. It's already enough hard, and if someone reconize me on this blog and that she see me in 2 weeks in a show when i try to lie for answering in... i could be blocked only because she reconize me. It's a risk that i don't want to take, because giving my picture here won't change anything for helping me. The more important is me and my project. Knowing if i'm blond, brown, or every other colors hairs won't help you. :)
So, sorry but i won't give my picture even if you ask it to me.
And i don't think that it would make a difference for helping me to meet Richard Branson.
A lot of chairmans, and important people are on social networks without a picture (and a lot of people who are not "importants" people have no picture too) and it doesn't block anything for talking to them. Why could it block something with me? ;)
6) Ok, so why should i help you? Can i win something?
Winning something? You're going too fast. I didn't win any money actually with my idea.
But sure, it would be completly logic that you would have a "part of the cake" if i win some money. So, the answer is yes.
But, if you want some money for helping me to meet him, i'm ok.
You'll have to prove to me BEFORE any payment that you can really help me for meeting him because i'm not enough rich for accepting to search money just for paying you if there is no result after i paid you.
I have no money but i can find it if you can prove to me that you can help me to meet him.
By "result", i mean "for meeting Richard Branson", i don't talk about if i can make business
with him.
Making business with him depends only of me. If i can't make business with him (cause he doesn't accept my idea for example), you won't be responsible of it.
Don't send to me a message with asking 1 million $. I can find money but there are some limits. :)
But, there is not only money in life, so why should you help me?
I have no reasons. Really. I don't explain a lot of things about my idea in the "3) My project" heading, i know.
I don't find other reasons outside the money. Or beeing very nice.
Yes, "beeing very nice" and "give a chance to a young contractor" is a good reason, but i know that it won't be a good reason for everybody...
All i can say is: Help me, you won't regret it in all the ways.
6) And if i help you, and that your idea is an awful idea or simply a trivial idea, i will be like an idiot for having presented you to Richard Branson... cause of your fault. Why should i take this risk?
If this blog didn't make you think that there was real reasons to begin to trust in me a little, i can't do anything.
Really, i won't try again and again and again to convince each person.
The most important person to convince is Richard Branson, and i'm trying to meet him and in the same time to win money (for eating, paying my bills etc), and in the same time to find money for paying the best presentation possible for him for the day i will meet him.
I'm tired, i'm working like a mad guy. I really make my maximum. I can't do more.
Don't hesitate to write to me for asking some questions. I'm open for talking about everything. :)
But, i don't want to talk to a wall. It's one of the reasons that i don't want to work with business angels of banks. I don't want to talk to walls which imposing me their truth of the business.
Sure, i need to learn. Sure, i want to learn. But, i'm not an idiot, and don't want to learn from anybody.
I say it without any hate. I just say it with conviction.
Precision: i don't hate business angels or banks, but i know how they works in general, and it's not my kind of working. I'm not a fan of the results they want to impose (which can be really out of the reality of the original project), but i maybe falled on not great banks and B.A... .
It's allways a question of person and the bigs companys are at the same image of their chairman.
It' an other reason of why i want to work with Richard Branson and with Virgin.
So, if you write to me without the real intention to help me, please don't.
If you have advices (even not nice advices, but constructives advices) to give to me, i'm open.
I don't need people who will try to use my spirits.
All that i ask is good intentions from people who write to me. :)
So, for answering more at this question:
Everything is risk. I took some risks in my life. I won, i losed, and sometimes i losed at the beginning for winning at the end...
If you don't accept the risk to trust me, to believe a little in me, i can't take the risk for you.
I'm already taking mines. :)
I can only say to you that i won't put you in an uncertain position with him.
If i make all my possible to meet him, it's only because i have enough elements for meeting him.
I would feel too shamed before seeing him if i thought that i my project wasn't ready.
Sure, i want to make my project better, but i allways want to make it better. I work like it. :)
I have enough elements for meeting him. I feel ready. I am ready. It's not an illusion. I don't like to give to myself illusions. It makes me nervous. :)
7) Ok, and if i help you, and that he doesn't like your idea or that he like but doesn't want to making work your idea, what wil you do after it?
Oh, then, i will be really really really sad. I know me. I won't smile...
I won't hate him, you can be sure of it! :) I will still like him, but i will be very sad.
I think that i would make a depression for one month and then after it, i will do what i really didn't want to do: Working with business angels and banks...
But, sorry, you will think that i'm very pretentious, but i'm sure he will love my idea.
I'm sure of it caused of the work that i made these last months.
I personalised and developed my idea around the Virgin mark.
You have more details on "3) My project".
I'm sure he will love it.
But even if he love it but he doesn't want to put money in it, i will find other investors.
8) Ok, i know him (or i know someone who could persuase him to give you an appointment with him). I can help you. What do you need exactly?
Between 10 minuts to 1 hour with him.
For 2 reasons:
1) I need to find some money because i want to make a beautiful a professional presentation to him.
If i don't find the money (between 25 000 and 35 000$), my presentation will be very little in time (10 minuts).
If i find the money, it will be more long because i could make a very good and complete presentation of it (1 hour).
2) It will depend of the face he will make when he will heard the basee of the idea.
If he doesn't like it, 3 minuts will be ok and i won't need more... unfortunately.
If he like, the time of my presentation will depend of the first reason (between 10 minuts to 1 hour).
The appointment would be where he wants. I prefer anywhere in Europe (includes UK) because it's more easy for me (and it wouldn't cost too much for me/ like i said, i'm not very rich), but if it have to be outside of Europe i'm completly ok for it. (If you says to me that he would give to me an appointment in Irak or in Kosovo, i would ask to myself some questions... :) , so please, scammers or every other people like that, don't write to me. It would be nice. ).
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Saturday, April 07, 2007
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