Saturday, April 07, 2007

2) Why i want to meet Richard Branson ?

Why i want to meet him? Why not an other person?

Very simple:

First: I like him. I think it is the better contractor in the world, and i think it should be a nice guy. When i say "nice", i don't mean silly or naive, i mean "easy to work with" (at the condition that he would like my idea and the project around my idea).
I don't want to work with people that i don't like. I am a better worker when i work with pleasure and so (if i'm not alone on it) working with people that i like.
I have enough experience for knowing myself what i want to do, and how i want to do it.

I can work with people that i don't like. I can. But i allways ask to myself "why doing it?":
For money?: It could be a good reason at the condition that i would win enough money... for never working with people that i don't like.
For glory?: Glory doesn't interest me. Beeing happy and using money for it are my 2 best reasons. And as you see i put "Beeing happy" in first...

Second: I like his mark and what Richard Branson gived to her. Virgin is a mark that i know since i'm a child, and i allways liked this mark (caused of Richard Branson like everybody i think) and caused of the position of this mark through the world.
I can say it: i like the image that Virgin gives to the people. :)

Third: I know how business works. I know i want to make business. I don't want to talk about my idea to 50 000 people intermediaries before having a luck to talk to him.
I can't protect my idea cause of money. I'm not rich. My only richness is to beeing myself an "idea box" and to developed it on the paper. Sometimes good ideas. Sometimes not very good. And when i have luck, excellents ideas.
If i talk (in details) of my idea(s) to each person i see, i can be sure to heard about my idea on TV, Radio, or press in the next 2 years, and i don't to take these kind of risks.
These last months, i choosed to work on only one idea. It's not the better idea that i had in my life, but i think the idea which could give to me the maximum of money.

And... Fourth: I don't want to work with Business angels or Banks. I want to have the power on my idea. I want to control it, and make it grow WITH a person and not UNDER the order of a person.
Yes, i like to be independant, but i know that i need help for my idea and i'm open to somehelp, but not a help which will have from result to steal my idea, fired of my own enterprise, and winning just 5 or 6$...
Not for me.
Even if a potential investor doesn't like that i don't want to talk in details about my idea before investing in it. I know too much examples of people who losed their idea because they didn't take enough precautions.
All the people (honnest chairmans of differents enterprises) that i discussed with said to me that i was right and to take care of everything, and i have myself enough experience for knowing when someone really wants to make business or heelping you and when someone wants only to have more and more and more informations on you, what you do in your life, where do you live, who do you know etc etc etc... and for finally not helping you by the way.

So, all the informations that i give on this blog are ALL that i can give. Sorry, not more. Sure, you can write to me and ask any questions. Don't hesitate. But it's for asking to me some secrets about my project, there is no way for it.

You can go on the other message which is called "My project".
I gived the maximum of details that i can give without knowing who is reading, and if this person can really help me. I hope you would understand it.

I do my best. :)

Because, objectively, Virgin is the only mark which could be the better mark for my idea.
I explain why i think that Virgin is the best mark for my idea, in the heading which is called "My project".
Sure, there could be other marks, but i know what i want, and why i want it.

I'm not a sort of dreamer who think that meeting Richard Branson could be the solution to everything.
Sure, i'm nervous about meeting him, but i really imagine things with clearness.
I know that meeting him doesn't mean that he will say "YES" to my project.
I know that he can say "no" to my project. I accept this possibility but it doesn't block me for trying to meet him.
What could i do else?
Sure, there are other solutions than meeting only him, but these are other solutions for a "second plan" if meeting him doesn't making me any business with him.
So, if you think that i put all my hope in meeting him and that i could suicide myself if he reject my project, don't care, it will be fine. :)
I won't suicide myself! lol.

Go to the next heading by clicking HERE.

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