Saturday, April 07, 2007

1) Who am I ?

Good morning! :)
I'm Vince.
I'm around 20 years old.
I speak english and french. (my english is not the best as you see. If there is some very bad faults on my blog, don't hesitate to say it to me on the "6) Contact me" heading please. :) ).

I created this blog because i don't have the time to fill all the forms on all the social networks where i subscribed, and for having a place where people can contact me and having more informations about what i try to do: Meeting Richard Branson.

It's hard to talk about me. It's a very narcissistic exercise. I don't know what to say, but i'll try.

Talking about i like to do must be like talking about me! :)

I'm a guy who like to conceive things.
I am a sort of creative guy, artist, conceiver, thinker, contractor, who likes to create things in all fields of the life. I am a creative problem solver. I love to do it.
I'm a sort of mix of few desires.
When i don't know exactly how it works, if it interesting me, i can learn very fast.

I won't be hypocritical: I want to be rich. Not as a final goal.
It's a mean for doing what i like in my life and for beeing independent.
But i know what kind of life i want. It would be hard to have the life i want with not much money.
You will say to me: "Everybody wants to be rich".
I would answer: "No. Definitly no".
There is a difference between "think that it could be great to be rich" and "wanted to be rich".
I see the difference between a lot of people.
There are choices to make in the life.
You'll maybe pay for it.
You'll maybe alone in your choices.
But, these choices will make all the differences in the difference of "think that it could be great to be rich" and "wanted to be rich". It will help you to do what it is REALLY necessary to do for it.
I made the choices few years ago. I paid it in different ways. But it was a good investment in myself.

The calcul is simple:
Hard investment.
Big price.
But... Big cash back.

It's a calcul to make and you have to make it when you are young before entering in a life where it will be hard to going out.
But when i thought to the other choices i had, the kind of life i could have if i did what people imposed to, it was easy to choose my own way... :)
Believe in yourself. Not as a passive believing. Work with faith. Learn to take some pauses in your own faith. It helps to take retreat and seeing if you are on your good way.
And after few years, you will be ready for beginning your real life.

My specialitys and things that i can (and like) do:
Finding informations on the web.
Web 2.0.
New technologys
Philosophy (personal)
Other lots of things, but you will maybe learn it if you'll know me more...

My school past:
No comment. A "special way", i would say. Not the way wanted finally. Too long and too short in the same time. School wasn't very fun, but it maybe caused of the kind of teachers and kind of school i had. I don't like to talk about it. I don't like people who praise their school past (or praise other things). I don't praise myself for School or for anything. I just say what i like, what i want to do, what i can do. The rest is not important for me.

You can't choose anything at school so it makes frustration.
School is a good thing only when it doesn't try to format the brain of its students, and i don't think that i was in a school like it (like 99,99% of the schools on this planet)...

I keeped from school a need of independence that i already had since i was child. It was more present after school. :)
But i learned one thing: Life is the real school, and i learned more outside of school that inside.
School is only useful if you learn things that you can use for your future (and i don't talk only about professional life). Life is school. Learning nothings of interesting makes me die in my brain.

My qualities: It's allways hard to say.
I have imagination. I am open to life and others (not all the time, because it's hard, but i do my best). I am curious of everything.
And a perfect body. But this should be obviousness... ;)

My defects: It's allways hard to say too. :)
I know exactly what i want so sometimes people can think that i'm too much in what i do, and too concentrate in it. "Stop to think that you can do it. Everything does not depend of what you want".
And i generaly answer: "I know that everything does not depend of me. But does it mean that i must stop? In this case, i can stop all the rest so, even my own life. I'm never sure to win, but know HOW to win. It depends of time and of the strong of your will".

But unfortunately, i would like to say to you that they were finally right, but each time i was finally right. It doesn't let me think that i can't lose, because i know how much life is hard, but when i heard myself, i had allways success.
Unfortunately, i didn't hear myself all the time. It maybe means to you that i am open, but it means to me that i should listen myself all the time, when i'm really sure of what i do.

Other defect: I can be good in a lot of things, but only if it gives me pleasure, or if i have a real reason to not having pleasure.
If there is no pleasure or no reason to not having it, it's very hard for me and i finish to stop what i do. It gived me difficultys for a lot of things, but it gives advantages: When i really want something, my imagination is like some corn which makes "pop", "pop", "pop". :)
With experience, i learned, before doing something, if i could have a real chance to be good in it.
Sometimes, when i had an idea which was in an activity sector that i didn't know, i knew before working if that it would be easy for me to developed my idea and to search informations around this activity sector.

Last defect: A perfect body. But, i've already said it, no?... lol

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